WARNING: Listening to this record at high volumes may cause an eargasm. This joint is dope.
"Originally this was only supposed to be a couple of songs. When I say a couple, I mean like, two. I’ve been calling back and forth talking with Grip H all day, as some more of our old stuff may (or may not) be hitting the Kevin Nottingham site soon. I will let time tell that story. What I present to you right now though, is the latest effort from Grip H and me as The Perfect Median, the group from which most of my body of work comes to date. Go to the jump for the download link.
The way this record is put together is as follows:
Side A is two older tracks that we recorded many moons ago. Not too many moons, though, cause I haven’t been making beats that long.
Side B is new tracks that we’ve recently penned and recorded. All of the beats were handled in house with the exception of the last track which was a 9th Wonder beat. Big ups to 9th Wonder (for not letting us officially use this beat, haha). So here is some more music for the $free.99"
EP: The Perfect Median - "This Morning EP"