New Wale Mixtape

. Mar 8, 2008

We here at iLLVibes have been waiting, with the highest anticipation, for new music from great artists, and none come higher (that's disputable among the bloggers) than the new mixtape from Wale - The Mixtape About Nothing. In spite of the title of the mixtape, we know that there is more to the music than the cover on a CD. Haven't you ever heard the platitude, "You can't judge a book by its cover"?

Perhaps this is reverse psychology on the part of Wale, a piece of candy to get you to look (read: listen, dammit!) underneath the cover. Whatever it may be, based on the heat he's brought to us in the past, it's definitely worth the look. Entertainment Weekly broke the news story here that the mixtape is highly influenced by one of Wale's favorite shows - Seinfeld. Never a fan of Seinfeld, I won't be surprised if I rent some of the shows after hearing this mixtape.